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Professional photographs and staging drive buyer traffic, which brings better offers!
Virtual staging is a process in which computer software is used to add furniture and decor to an empty room in a photograph, in order to make the space appear more livable and attractive to potential buyers.
First impression counts. Appealing and informative pictures that show the real value of existing or potential use of a room is of utmost importance.

Often the first room you walk into; a living area is a popular place for families and friends to gather, watch TV or just relax. Show buyers how the space can work by adding a virtual sofa with chairs, a trendy coffee table and more. Seeing the potential of how a space can work will help buyers imagine themselves living in the home
With our virtual home staging BLIS can help you inspire home buyers and help them better imagine their future home.
If you are a Buyer we can help you to find and visualize
home of your dream!

Virtual Staging is a great marketing tool, especially for vacant homes! We know how to effectively use this marketing tool, and yes, this tool is helping our clients to save on the cost of physical staging! When 95% of the first rendezvous with a house is happening online, we create a tremendous amount of traffic by staging to bring multiple offers! With all this said, you should always remember that it's just another tool! To avoid buyers being disappointed when they actually visit the property, we often do any fixing that may be needed and some light staging before taking the pictures of an empty rooms. You should always remember: people buy a house which they will inspect, not the pictures! That's why regardless which staging is utilized; physical or virtual, the home should be ready to show in person! Our agents are trained to guide you in the direction where you can save money on preparation along with what should be done to achieve the best result! Our Goal Is to Sale Your House Fast, and For Highest Possible Price With More Profit In Your Pocket!
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